As assistant of statutory auditor I gained wide experience of municipalitie´s audit since 2010. I´m  certificate holder of common learning process by Ministry of Finance and SKAU (Slovak Chamber of Auditors).

Budgeting, accounting and audit of public administrative authorities


According to Art. 19, sec. 1(c) of the Act no. 431/2002 Coll. on Accounting as amended, the audit obligations of entities is laying down by separate regulation.

Specific regulation related to municipalities:

– Act. No. 83/2004 Coll. On Financial regulation of local authority as amending other regulations

– Act. No. 369/1990 Bulletin of establishing municipal authority as amended

According to Art. 16, sec 3 of the Act. No. 83/2004 Coll. On Financial regulation of local authority as amending other regulations, municipality has obligation to have audited financial statements based on separate rule, what Act no. 431/2002 Coll. on Accounting as amended is.

During the verification procedure of financial statements the compliance with obligations according to Art. 10, sec 7, 8, Art. 16, sec 12, Art. 17 and to Art 19, sec 1 Act. No. 83/2004 Coll. On Financial regulation of local authority as amending other regulations is monitored.

The obligation of audit procedure is described in The Art. 9, sec 4 of the Act. No. 369/1990 Bulletin of establishing municipal authority as amended. (Annual accounts must be verified by auditor. Auditor verifies additional facts laid down by Act. No. 83/2004 Coll. On Financial regulation of local authority as amending other regulations)